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TikTok influencers - Why Your Business Should Be On TikTok

How to create an influencer marketing campaign

TikTok influencers Usually, when businesses hear about TikTok they think of teenagers dancing weird dances and doing meme videos copying each other. What they usually don’t know is that 44.1% of TikTok’s users are in the 21-49 age group, in other words, payable customers. Most of them never even post a single TikTok and still, they use the platform every day. We call them observers.

TikTok influencers

TikTok’s super smart video suggestion algorithms quickly analyze user interests and behavior towards each video they watch and start to show content that can be interesting to the user. This explains why so many users are stuck on TikTok for hours.

Before we continue; if you are looking for influencers on TikTok we’ve got your back. Register your free account on Famoso >> create your first project >> in social media categories choose TikTok and you are good to go. Our platform will automatically connect you with the right influencers. We are charging a 10% commission for each successful project. Ok, let’s jump back to our post

TikTok influencers

What differentiates TikTok from other social media platforms?

Besides the fact that TikTok’s “short videos” was a true revolution in the social media world, which has been replicated by Instagram and called Reels. The strongest differentiator in our opinion is the insane organic reach. There is no other social media platform in the world right now which can make someone’s content visible for millions of people without spending a dollar. Remember the early days of Facebook or Instagram, you were posting a photo and getting thousands of views and likes. Why? because at that time Facebook wasn’t one of the biggest advertising networks in the world that is willing to show you as many ads as it’s possible. Look at TikTok as an early day’s Facebook or Instagram.

Gymshark influencers

TikTok influencer marketing use case

Though TikTok recently introduced its ads network, it is not available for many businesses yet. In fact, influencer marketing is a much bigger and faster-growing segment on TikTok than the ads. Let’s have a look at one of our favorite use cases.

Gymshark Influencers

How to get 1.8mln followers on TikTok in 6 months - Gymshark

This is a great example of how moving fast and knowing your customers can affect your brand recognition and sales. While big-name competitors were thinking if TikTok is the right place to promote their brands, Gymshark started building a community of sports enthusiasts by collaborating with fitness influencers and athletes. The idea was simple, to share helpful content related to workouts, make sports challenges, and have fun. The most successful challenge was 66 days fitness challenge. The idea was to show before and after results of training after 66 days. The idea was to show before and after results of training after 66 days.As you can see, no direct sales were used! The results were way over any expectation. With a relatively small marketing budget this e-commerce based brand managed to get:

  • 1.8 mln followers
  • 45 mln views 
  • 1.9 mln likes
  • 11.11% engagement rate
Gymshark Influencers

To sum up: TikTok is a hot space for promoting your brand. Collaborating with the right influencers and addressing the right audience can make your content go viral, getting a massive return on investment as it happens with Gymshark. TikTok is changing very fast, and it is obvious that it will not stay the same as it’s now. Eventually, organic reach will decrease, and ads will flood the platform. If you want to use TikTok for your business without spending ads dollars, then you should act now. Hope you enjoy reading this post and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us.